
Danger of
a Single Story

Type & Book Design
2021, Type2

The book contains the final two chapters from The Remains of the day by Kazuo Igushiro.

I created the alphabet inspired from plants and organic shapes. The letters are composed of forms created by curve and circle templates.

                                                                    Type creating process

The alphabet was used to be the main form of the poster for the Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

Exploration in poster layouts

Final posters

More development of the project was made by adding the text from The Remains of the day by Kazuo Ishiguro and eventually making a book combining those two bodies of text. The book was dedicated to my father and the content of the texts resonated with his personality and life story. With the development of the story in Igushiro’s work, the text boxes expand throughout the spread which provides the feeling of graduating showing his own private feeling openly in the last two chapters in this novel.